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Please Read Me!

Please make sure that you consider the following hints before downloading the shared files:

- The data is shared only for research purposes.
- Commercial-related use of the data is not permitted.
- If you use any part of the shared data in any report, please make sure that you cite the "DECAF Dataset paper" in the report.

Thanks for your consideration!

Access Request

We use the Google Drive service to share the extracted features and the preprocessed data. To grant you an access to the (extracted features or/and the pre-processed) data, a Google id associated with your identity is needed (please see the EULA). The EULA should be downloaded, printed, signed, scanned and returned via email to decaf.mhug [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "DECAF access request". Please state in your email your position and your institution. Please use your institutional email (i.e. not your Microsoft, Yahoo, etc account, unless of course you work in Microsoft, Yahoo) to submit your access request.

Download the EULA!

Extracted Features

The Extracted Features that are explained in the paper and used for experimental analysis are shared via this page. We used MATLAB and the FieldTrip toolbox for signal analysis. The shared files have ".mat" extensions and can be read using MATLAB/OCTAVE.

Download from here, the features for Single Trial Classification including:

Electro-cardiography Features for Movie / Music video clips

Horizontal Electro-oculography Features for Movie / Music video clips

Trapezius Electro-myography Features for Movie / Music video clips

Magnetoencephalography DCT Features for Movie / Music video clips

Magnetoencephalography Welch Features for Movie / Music video clips

Facial Motion-Units Features for Movie / Music video clips

Low-level Multimedia Features for Movie / Music video clips

Users' Self-assessments for Movie / Music video clips

Order of Presentation for Movie / Music video clips

File size: 94 MB, File extension : ".zip"

Download from here, the features for Time-Continuous Regression including:

Low-level Multimedia Features for Movie / Music video clips

Magnetoencephalography DCT Features for Movie video clips

Seven Experts' Annotations for Movie video clips

File size: 351 MB, File extension : ".zip"

To get access to the documentation, please click here!